So Important Yet So Often Overlooked
Of all the things required of us as home buyers and home owners property insurance is the least standardized, has the widest variations in quality and cost and is in many ways the hardest to understand. And guess what. It is potentially the most important! Check out this excellent article that goes a long way towards explaining some of the ins and outs. Pay special attention to being either over insured or under insured.
I have a suggestion that is something that I now do every year. Have a top notch and TRUSTWORTY insurance professional review your homeowners policy as well as your auto. A good practice and you also get multi-policy discounts. As everyone knows I’ve always got “a guy”. Mine is Anthony Cancel with Allstate Insurance (703-777-3004 or [email protected]).
You can’t go wrong with having him look your policies over if for no other reason than at the end of it he tells you that you are right where you need to be.
It’s a good life.